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Beneficiary Management

A beneficiary represents an account that you're making a payment to.

Create a beneficiary

Call an API that matches the beneficiary type:

  • beneficiaries/business
  • beneficiaries/personal

Create a business beneficiary workflow: Create Business Beneficiary workflow

Retrieve beneficiaries

View a list of recipients associated with an account, retrieve details about a given beneficiary.

  • Call /beneficiaries/businesses to retrieve a list of business beneficiaries
  • Call/beneficiaries/personal to retrieve a list of personal beneficiaries
  • Call /beneficiaries/business/{id} to retrieve a list of business beneficiaries
  • Call/beneficiaries/personal/{id} to retrieve a list of personal beneficiaries

Manage beneficiaries

You can perform the following operations on beneficiaries after you have created them.

Update or Delete a beneficiary

  • Call /beneficiaries/business/{id} manage a business beneficiary. Specify the id of the beneficiary in the endpoint URL and parameters
  • Call/beneficiaries/personal/{id} to manage a personal beneficiary. Specify the id of the beneficiary in the endpoint URL and parameters

Updating or deleting beneficiaries with in-progress payments is not permitted.